Commissions sur devises au comptant

Commissions Section Hero


Spot Currencies

Commissions faibles et transparentes sans majoration sur les cotations, spreads commençant à 1/10 PIP, et une grande liquidité de 17 des plus grands négociateurs FX du monde.

Our tight spreads and substantial liquidity are a result of combining quotation streams from 17 of the world's largest foreign exchange dealers which constitute more than 60%1 of the market share in the global interbank market. This results in displayed quotes as small as 0.1 PIP. IBKR passes through the prices that it receives and charges a separate low commission. We do this in the interest of providing a transparent pricing structure instead of marking up our quotes and charging nothing in commissions as is the practice with many currency brokers. Tiers are based on the combined Monthly Trade Value of Spot Currency trades.

Monthly Trade Value (USD)2 Tiered
? 1,000,000,000 0.20 basis point 3 * Trade Value 4
1,000,000,000.01 - 2,000,000,000 0.15 basis point 3 * Trade Value 4
2,000,000,000.01 - 5,000,000,000 0.10 basis point 3 * Trade Value 4
> 5,000,000,000 0.08 basis point 3 * Trade Value 4
Minimum per order 2 Tier I - USD 2.00
Tier II - USD 1.50
Tier III - USD 1.25
Tier IV - USD 1.00


  1. Source: Euromoney FX survey FX Poll 2018: The Euromoney FX survey is the largest global poll of foreign exchange service providers.
  2. Or USD currency equivalent
  3. 1 basis point=0.0001.
  4. Commissions for currency trades are calculated off the trade value and then converted and charged to the base currency of the account.

  • Commissions apply to all order types.
  • All exchange and regulatory fees included.
  • IBKR's Tiered (i.e., commission plus external venue fees/rebates) commission models are not intended to be a direct pass-through of exchange and third-party fees and rebates. Costs passed on to clients in IBKR’s Tiered commission schedule may be greater than the costs paid by IBKR to the relevant exchange, regulator, clearinghouse or third party. For example, IBKR may receive volume discounts that are not passed on to clients. Likewise, rebates passed on to clients by IBKR may be less than the rebates IBKR receives from the relevant market. For example, IBKR may receive enhanced rebate payments for exceeding volume thresholds on particular markets, but typically will not pass these enhancements directly to clients. In certain circumstances, IBKR may receive discounts with respect to third party fees, including exchange and/or clearing fees, that may not pass-through to clients.
  • Modified orders will be treated as the cancellation and replacement of an existing order with a new order. On certain exchanges, this may have the effect of subjecting modified orders to commission minimums as if they were new orders. For example, if an order for 200 shares is submitted and 100 shares execute, then you modify the order and another 100 shares execute, a commission minimum would be applied to both 100 share orders. Orders that persist overnight will be considered a new order for the purposes of determining order minimums.
  • VAT, also referred to as consumption tax, goods and services tax, where applicable, will be separately applied for eligible services.
  • For currency trades executed under the auto currency conversion service (for customers who opened their account through the IMPACT App), IB will typically add or subtract (at its discretion) 0.03% to the exchange rate that would otherwise apply. Please note that IB does not separately charge a commission on these auto-conversion trades.

Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est membre de l' Organisme canadien de réglementation des investissements (OCRI) et du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants (FCPE). Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI. Le trading de titres et dérivés peut impliquer un haut degré de risque et les investisseurs doivent accepter le risque de perdre la totalité de leurs investissements et davantage. Utiliser de l'argent emprunté pour financer l'achat des titres implique un plus grand risque que l'utilisation de ressources cash uniquement. Si vous empruntez de l'argent pour acheter des titres, votre responsabilité pour rembourser le prêt et payer des intérêts comme exigé par ses conditions, reste la même, même si la valeur des titres achetés baisse. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est un prestataire de services d'exécution et ne fournit aucun conseils en investissement ou recommandations concernant l'achat ou la vente de titres ou dérivés. Notre siège est situé à 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montréal, Québec, H3A 3J6, Canada.

Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI.