Impact Dashboard

IMPACT Dashboard

Trade Your Way
to the World You Want

Identify and invest in companies that share your values with the Impact Dashboard. Create a positive impact with your investments today. "Software Finalist" for FAST COMPANY – World Changing Ideas (WCI) Awards 2021

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impact values positive
invest in your values

Invest in Your Values

Identify the values that are important to you, like racial equality and clean air. Tag the practices that you find objectionable, like animal testing and greenhouse emissions. With the help of the dashboard, you can ensure that your current and future investments reflect your values.

See how our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores can help you invest in your values.

ESG Feature Page

impact values negative

Does Your Portfolio
Make the Grade?

Based on your preferences, we calculate an overall score that shows how well your investments align with your values. Drill down and see whether a company's values align with, conflict with or are neutral with respect to your values. Open a neutral or conflicting position for alternatives that better fit your socially responsible trading objectives.

Learn more about the scoring methodology.

Read White Paper
impact mobile 1
impact dashboard background
impact dashboard values

Business as Usual

When you invest in companies whose principles reflect their care for the world, you're actively endorsing positive values and rewarding the businesses that promote them.

Number 1 New Tool - 2021
#1 New Trading Tool 2021 online broker review

Invest in a
Better Future

The Impact Dashboard makes it easy for you to invest responsibly and secure your future while positively impacting our planet and society.

Try the Impact Dashboard Now

impact dashboard hero
Impact Dashboard

Trade Your Way
to the World You Want

Identify and invest in companies that share your values with the Impact Dashboard. Create a positive impact with your investments today. "Software Finalist" for FAST COMPANY – World Changing Ideas (WCI) Awards 2021

Already a Client?
invest in your values

Invest in Your Values

Identify the values that are important to you, like racial equality and clean air. Tag the practices that you find objectionable, like animal testing and greenhouse emissions. With the help of the dashboard, you can ensure that your current and future investments reflect your values.

See how our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores can help you invest in your values.

ESG Feature Page

mobile portfolio phones

Does Your Portfolio
Make the Grade?

Based on your preferences, we calculate an overall score that shows how well your investments align with your values. Drill down and see how individual companies help or hurt your portfolio score.

Learn more about the scoring methodology.

Read White Paper
mobile disrupting dashboard

Business as Usual

When you invest in companies whose principles reflect their care for the world, you're actively endorsing positive values and rewarding the businesses that promote them.

Number 1 New Tool - 2021
#1 New Trading Tool, 2021
online broker review
Invest in a Better Future

Invest in a
Better Future

Invest responsibly and secure your future while positively impacting our planet and society.

Try the Impact Dashboard Now

Impact Dashboard FAQs

Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est membre de l' Organisme canadien de réglementation des investissements (OCRI) et du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants (FCPE). Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI. Le trading de titres et dérivés peut impliquer un haut degré de risque et les investisseurs doivent accepter le risque de perdre la totalité de leurs investissements et davantage. Utiliser de l'argent emprunté pour financer l'achat des titres implique un plus grand risque que l'utilisation de ressources cash uniquement. Si vous empruntez de l'argent pour acheter des titres, votre responsabilité pour rembourser le prêt et payer des intérêts comme exigé par ses conditions, reste la même, même si la valeur des titres achetés baisse. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est un prestataire de services d'exécution et ne fournit aucun conseils en investissement ou recommandations concernant l'achat ou la vente de titres ou dérivés. Notre siège est situé à 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montréal, Québec, H3A 3J6, Canada.

Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI.