Fundamentals Explorer

Better Research.
Better Decisions.

Take your research to the next level with
our redesigned Fundamentals Explorer.

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Available on all our trading platforms.

Fundamentals Explorer Sample Screen

Fundamentals Explorer Includes:

Company Profile

Company Profile

Analyst Ratings

Analyst Ratings



Key Ratios

Key Ratios

Analyst Forecast

Analyst Forecast

ESG Ratings

ESG Ratings





Industry Comparisons

Industry Comparisons

Historical Trends

Historical Trends

News & Reports

News & Reports

Calendar Events

Calendar Events

Securities Lending Dashboard

Securities Lending Dashboard

global coverage

Global Coverage

Fundamentals Explorer provides comprehensive, worldwide fundamentals data to all IBKR clients, at no cost.


Companies Covered


Data Points
per Company


Sources for Newswires
and Reports


Analyst Ratings from

Connect the Dots
Connect the Dots icon

Connect the Dots

Redesigned from the ground up, the Fundamentals Explorer lets you dive deep into hundreds of data points covering historical trends, industry comparisons, key ratios, forecasts, ratings, ownership and more,
so you can see the whole picture.
Find Data Faster
search icon

Find Data Faster

Quickly see the most important information about a company and its competitors right on the Overview page. Don't see what you want? Use our intelligent search and find exactly what you need in no time at all.
Securities Lending Dashboard

Add Depth to Your Trading Analysis

Fundamentals Explorer now includes a Securities Lending Dashboard that provides complimentary and premium security lending analytics from Orbisa, a leading securities lending market data provider. Use daily short sale data on thousands of securities worldwide to generate trade ideas, gauge short sentiment and evaluate your portfolio from a different angle.
Analyze and Compare

Analyze and Compare

Go beyond plain numbers. See how a company compares with competitors and the industry average across many data points or see how a company has performed over time with historical trends.

Analyze and Compare

Take Your Research to the Next Level

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Available on all our trading platforms.


The projections or other information generated by Interactive Broker’s Fundamentals Explorer Tool regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. Please note that results may vary with use of the tool over time.

Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est membre de l' Organisme canadien de réglementation des investissements (OCRI) et du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants (FCPE). Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI. Le trading de titres et dérivés peut impliquer un haut degré de risque et les investisseurs doivent accepter le risque de perdre la totalité de leurs investissements et davantage. Utiliser de l'argent emprunté pour financer l'achat des titres implique un plus grand risque que l'utilisation de ressources cash uniquement. Si vous empruntez de l'argent pour acheter des titres, votre responsabilité pour rembourser le prêt et payer des intérêts comme exigé par ses conditions, reste la même, même si la valeur des titres achetés baisse. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est un prestataire de services d'exécution et ne fournit aucun conseils en investissement ou recommandations concernant l'achat ou la vente de titres ou dérivés. Notre siège est situé à 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montréal, Québec, H3A 3J6, Canada.

Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI.