Stock Margin Calculator

Stock Margin Calculator

Calculate the Approximate Available Margin for Your Equities Held at IBKR.

Portfolio Initial Margin USD


Reg-T Initial Margin USD


Enter the symbol and USD value of your equities portfolio.
  • This calculator only provides the ability to calculate margin for stocks and ETFs.
  • Portfolio Margin accounts require a $100,000 minimum balance.

Your Total Portfolio Value for a Portfolio Margin account must be at least $100,000.

We cannot calculate available margin based on the values you entered. Undefined.

We cannot calculate available margin based on the values you entered. No results.

We cannot calculate available margin based on the values you entered. One of your symbol or value fields is empty.

Long/Short Value(+/-)
Long/Short Value(+/-)
Long/Short Value(+/-)
Long/Short Value(+/-)
Long/Short Value(+/-)

Total Portfolio Value


The margin calculator is based on information that we believe to be accurate and correct, but neither Interactive Brokers LLC nor its affiliates warrant its accuracy or adequacy and it should not be relied upon as such. Neither IBKR nor its affiliates are responsible for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of this calculator.

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