Market Data Pricing

Market Data

Market Data

market data candlestick chart

Market Data Included With Your Account

  • Free Streaming Data on US-listed Stocks and ETFs – IBKR clients receive free real-time streaming market data on all US-listed stocks and ETFs from Cboe One and IEX. (Non-consolidated)
  • Free Delayed Market Data – IBKR clients receive free delayed market data on other products where available.
  • Free Snapshot quotes – IBKR clients receive up to 100 free snapshot quotes per month. A snapshot quote is a static, non-streaming, real-time quote that is displayed at each point of order entry.

Market Data Pricing and Subscription Details

Consolidated data shows the NBBO (National Best Bid and Offer) and combines information from all exchanges to show the highest bid and lowest ask prices across the market, providing a comprehensive view of the best available prices. For US-listed equities and ETFs, the Consolidated Tapes A, B, and C provide the NBBO.

Non-consolidated real-time data only provides data from some exchanges and does not show the NBBO. The free real-time streaming market data on all US-listed stocks and ETFs from Cboe One and IEX is non-consolidated.

Market data subscription fees start from the day of subscription and are billed within the first three business days of each subsequent month as long as the service remains active. Fees are based on the number of users per account, with multiple charges for multiple users. IBKR retains 5% - 10% of market data fees to cover administrative costs, with the remaining amount paid to the data vendor. Additional fees apply for Snapshot quotes.

How Market Data is Allocated

In order to receive real-time market data, customers must be a subscriber to market data. All clients initially receive 100 concurrent lines of real-time market data (which can be displayed in TWS or via the API) and always have a minimum of 100 lines of data. After the first month of trading, the quantity of market data is allocated using the greater value of:

  • USD monthly commissions divided by 8
  • USD equity multiplied by 100 divided by $1,000,000
    (rounded down to the nearest integer)
  • 100
  • Example 1:
    In month two, your account shows the following values: USD Monthly Commissions: $16, USD Equity: $950,000
    Using the calculations above, you would still receive the minimum 100 lines of data, since: $16/8 = 2
    $950,000 x 100 / $1,000,000 = 95
  • Example 2:
    In month three, your account shows the following values: USD Monthly Commissions: $500, USD Equity: $1,245,000
    Using the calculations above, you would receive 124 lines of data, since: $500/8 = 62.5
    $1,245,000 x 100 / $1,000,000 = 124.5, rounded down to 124.

Deep Data Allotment

The number of symbols that can be viewed simultaneously via the TWS deep book windows (including BookTrader, Market Depth and ISW) is determined as follows: one unique symbol for every 100 allowed lines of market data, with a minimum of three and a maximum of 60. For example, a client with the default allowance of 100 lines of data will be able to simultaneously view deep data for three different symbols. Note that multiple deep book windows for the same symbol can be opened without impacting market data limits. Continuing this example, this client could open the symbol IBKR in BookTrader, Market Depth and ISW and still be able to view deep data for two more symbols. A client who, based on commissions, equity or other criteria, is allowed 500 tickers will be able to simultaneously view deep data for five unique symbols. Note that this number may change month to month if the number of allowed tickers for your account changes.

The following minimums are required to subscribe and maintain market data and research subscriptions. This does not include the cost of the service.

Account Type Minimum Equity Balance
USD or Non-USD Equivalent
Individual (unless listed below) USD 500.00
Financial Advisor Clients USD 500.00
Institutional and/or Organizational USD 500.00
Financial Advisor USD 500.00
Family Advisor USD 200.00
Introducing Broker Clients USD 200.00
Indian residents 1 trading with an IB India account USD 100.00

The minimum requirements plus the cost of the subscription are required to have the data activated.

  1. Indian resident is an individual who resides in India for more than 182 days per year.

Market data services that are eligible for commission waivers are listed below. When the commission threshold is met for each service, the market data subscription fees are waived. Calculations for waivers are not cumulative and are applied first to the highest priced service.

For example, if you subscribe to waiver-enabled services with the following thresholds,

Subscription Fee Commissions Waiver
US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle USD 10.00 USD 30.00
OPRA Top of Book (L1)(US Option Exchanges) USD 1.50 USD 20.00
Shanghai Stock Exchange 5 Second Snapshot (via HKEx) USD 1.00 USD 5.00
Shenzhen Stock Exchange 3 Second Snapshot (via HKEx) USD 1.00 USD 5.00

then waivers would be applied in descending order based on the commissions waiver.

Subscription Waived
Commissions Generated US Securities Snapshot and
Futures Value Bundle
OPRA Top of Book (L1)
(US Option Exchanges)
Shanghai Stock Exchange 5
Second Snapshot (via HKEx)
Shenzhen Stock Exchange 3
Second Snapshot (via HKEx)
USD 60.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes
USD 30.00 Yes No No No
USD 25.00 No Yes Either
USD 10.00 - 20.00 No No Yes Yes
USD 5.00 - 10.00 No No Either

Most exchanges and data vendors classify market data subscribers as either non-professional or professional based on usage and registration status:

  • Professional Subscriber: Includes organizations (corporations, LLCs, partnerships) and individuals using data for business purposes. Also includes registered securities or investment advisors, financial services employees, and similar roles.
  • Non-Professional Subscriber: Any individual not registered with financial regulatory bodies, not acting as an investment advisor, and not employed by financial institutions performing registration-exempt functions.

For detailed qualifications, refer to the Guidelines on Market Data Subscriber Classifications.

  • Snapshot Quotes: A Snapshot quote is a static, non-streaming market data quote that is available at each point of order entry. The snapshot quote can be updated or refreshed by requesting an updated quote. The quote is not refreshed automatically. Snapshot quotes are an alternative to streaming quotes and are charged per quote requested instead of a monthly subscription.

    US-listed equities and ETFs are USD 0.01 per request, and all other instruments are USD 0.03. All IBKR accounts receive a USD 1.00 monthly waiver for snapshot quotes. If a client's snapshot quote fees within a month equal the cost of the real-time streaming service, they will automatically be upgraded to the real-time streaming service for that month.

    Snapshot data for US-listed equities and ETFs provides the size, quantity, and market identifications for the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) and Last Sale from the Consolidated Tapes A, B, and C.

    Learn More About Snapshot Quotes

  • Level 1 Market Data: Provides market information on the top of the order book, showing only the best available prices for buyers and sellers, including the best bid (highest price a buyer is willing to pay), ask (lowest price a seller is willing to accept), last traded price, and trading volume.
  • Level 2 Market Data: Provides more comprehensive by displaying the full depth of the order book. This includes multiple bid and ask prices at different levels, not just the best available prices. It provides a clearer view of market liquidity and the supply-demand dynamics at various price points.
    • Simultaneous Level 2/Depth of Book Quotes: The number of symbols you can view simultaneously in TWS Level 2/Depth of Book windows (such as BookTrader, Market Depth, and the Integrated Stock Window (ISW)) depends on your market data allowance. For every 100 lines of market data you are allowed, you can view Level 2/Depth of Book data for one unique symbol, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 60 symbols at a time.

      For example, if you have the default allowance of 100 lines of market data, you can view Level 2/Depth of Book data for 3 symbols. You can open multiple Level 2/Depth of Book windows for the same symbol without affecting your limit. For instance, you could view NVDA in several windows and still have space for two more symbols.

      If your account allows 500 lines of data, you can view Level 2/Depth of Book data for five unique symbols. This number may change monthly based on the number of allowed tickers for your account.

      Quote Booster: You can increase your allowance of simultaneous quotes windows by purchasing monthly Quote Booster packs at USD 30.00 per pack.

      • Each booster pack provides 100 simultaneous Level I quotes and 1 additional simultaneous Level 2/Depth of Book quote. Booster Pack quotes are additional to your monthly quote allotment from all sources, including commissions.
      • Booster pack quotes are available for use in the desktop systems and in the API.
      • Once subscribed, quotes are available immediately and will display the next time you log into the system.
      • Data from a cancelled booster pack subscription remains available through the end of the current billing cycle.
      • Limit of 10 Quote Booster packs per account.

Exchanges and market data vendors usually offer both real-time and delayed data. Real-time market data is disseminated as soon as the information is publicly available. Delayed market data is on a time lag that is usually 10-20 minutes behind real-time quotes. The tables below list the delay period for the exchanges that provide delayed market data.

Please Note:

  • Delayed quotes should be used for indicative purposes and not necessarily for trading. The times mentioned may be subject to further delays without notice.
  • In accordance with regulatory requirements, IBKR no longer offers delayed quotation information on U.S. equities to Interactive Brokers LLC clients.


External Exchange Name IB Exchange Name Delay Period Real Time Subscription
CBOT CBOT 10 minutes CBOT Real-Time
CBOE Futures Exchange CFE 10 minutes CFE Enhanced
Market Data Express (MDX) CBOE 10 minutes CBOE Market Data Express Indices
CME CME 10 minutes CME Real-Time
COMEX COMEX 10 minutes COMEX Real-Time
ICE US NYBOT 10 minutes ICE Futures U.S. (NYBOT)
Mexican Derivatives Exchange MEXDER 15 minutes Mexican Derivatives Exchange
Mexican Stock Exchange MEXI 20 minutes Mexican Stock Exchange
Montreal Exchange CDE 15 minutes Montreal Exchange
NYMEX NYMEX 10 minutes NYMEX Real-Time
NYSE GIF NYSE 15 minutes NYSE Global Index Feed
One Chicago ONE 10 minutes OneChicago
OPRA OPRA 15 minutes OPRA Top of Book (L1)(US Option Exchanges)
OTC Markets PINK 15 minutes OTC Markets
Toronto Stock Exchange TSE 15 minutes Toronto Stock Exchange
Venture Exchange VENTURE 15 minutes TSX Venture Exchange

Europe/Middle East

External Exchange Name IB Exchange Name Delay Period Real Time Subscription
BATS Europe BATE/CHIX 15 minutes European (BATS/Chi-X) Equities
Boerse Stuttgart SWB 15 minutes Stuttgart Boerse incl. Euwax (SWB)
Bolsa de Madrid BM 15 minutes Bolsa de Madrid
Borsa Italiana BVME/IDEM 15 minutes Borsa Italiana (BVME stock / SEDEX / IDEM deriv)
Budapest Stock Exchange BUX 15 minutes Budapest Stock Exchange
Eurex EUREX 15 minutes Eurex Real-Time Information
Euronext AEB/SBF/MATIF/BELFOX 15 minutes Euronext Cash
Euronext AEB/SBF/MATIF/BELFOX 15 minutes Euronext Data Bundle
Frankfurt Stock Exchange and XETRA FWB/IBIS/XETRA 15 minutes Spot Market Germany (Frankfurt/Xetra)
ICE Futures Europe (Commodities) IPE 10 minutes ICE Futures E.U. - Commodities (IPE)
ICE Futures Europe (Financials) ICEEU 10 minutes ICE Futures E.U. – Financials (LIFFE)
Ljubljana Stock Exchange LJSE 15 minutes Ljubljana Stock Exchange
LSE LSE 15 minutes LSE UK
LSEIOB LSEIOB 15 minutes LSE International
MEFF MEFF 15 minutes BME (MEFF)
NASDAQ OMX Nordic Derivatives OMS 15 minutes Nordic Derivatives
Prague Stock Exchange PRA 15 minutes Prague Stock Exchange Cash Market
SWISS Exchange EBS/VIRTX 15 minutes SIX Swiss Exchange
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange TASE 15 minutes Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Turquoise ECN TRQXCH/TRQXDE/TRQXEN 15 minutes Turquoise ECNs
Warsaw Stock Exchange WSE 15 minutes Warsaw Stock Exchange


External Exchange Name IB Exchange Name Delay Period Real Time Subscription
Australian Stock Exchange ASX 20 minutes ASX Total
Hang Seng Indices HKFE-IND 15 minutes Hang Seng Indexes
Hong Kong Futures Exchange HKFE 15 minutes Hong Kong Derivatives (Fut & Opt)
Hong Kong Stock Exchange SEHK 15 minutes Hong Kong Securities Exchange (Stocks, Warrants & Bonds)
Korea Stock Exchange KSE 20 minutes Korea Stock Exchange
National Stock Exchange of India NSE 15 minutes National Stock Exchange of India, Capital Market Segment
Osaka Securities Exchange OSE.JPN 20 minutes Osaka Exchange
SGX Derivatives SGX 10 minutes Singapore Exchange (SGX) - Derivatives
Shanghai Stock Exchange SEHKNTL 15 minutes Shanghai Stock Exchange
Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR Market SEHKSTAR 15 minutes Shanghai Stock Exchange
Shenzhen Stock Exchange SEHKSZSE 15 minutes Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Singapore Stock Exchange SGX 10 minutes Singapore Exchange (SGX) - Stocks
Sydney Futures Exchange SNFE 10 minutes ASX24 Commodities and Futures
Tokyo Stock Exchange TSEJ 20 minutes Tokyo Stock Exchange

The sample market data subscriptions in the following table below can help you choose the right subscriptions for your trading needs.

Market Data Desired Non-Professional
subscription(s) needed
subscription(s) needed
AMEX-, ARCA-, BATS-listed top-of-order book (NBBO) streaming quotes NYSE American, BATS, ARCA, IEX and Regional Exchanges (Network B)
US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle
US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle
NYSE American, BATS, ARCA, IEX and Regional Exchanges (Network B)
Professional US Securities Snapshot Bundle
US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle
NASDAQ-listed (ex: MSFT) top-of-order book (NBBO) streaming quotes NASDAQ (Network C/UTP)
US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle
US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle
NASDAQ (Network C/UTP)
Professional US Securities Snapshot Bundle
US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle
NYSE-listed (ex: IBM) top-of-order book (NBBO) streaming quotes NYSE (Network A/CTA)
US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle
US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle
NYSE (Network A/CTA)
Professional US Securities Snapshot Bundle
US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle


  • Market data subscription costs will not be pro-rated. Users who subscribe to or unsubscribe from data mid-month will be charged at the full month rate.
  • Due to regulatory restrictions, your account may be ineligible to trade certain products. Such a restriction does not prohibit you from subscribing to and receiving market data. Should you wish to obtain market data, even for those products you may be ineligible to trade, your account will be subject to the applicable subscription fees.

Streaming Market Data Pricing

Use the filters below to find the available market data packages.

L1 L2 Snapshot Equities Bonds Currencies Futures Indicies Options Warrants Metals All

Found: 168 Data Type: L1, L2, Snapshot Asset Class: All

Region/Exchange Country Non-Pro Fees/month
US Overnight Equities & ETF Trading United States Complimentary - No Subscription Required
US Real-Time Non Consolidated Streaming Quotes United States Complimentary - No Subscription Required
US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle 1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 17, 22 United States USD 10.00 Base Waived for Activity + USD 0.01 per Snapshot
IBKR Currencies Global Fee Waived
US Futures Value Bundle PLUS 5, 22 United States USD 5.00
US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle 18, 19, 22 United States USD 4.50
Bond Ratings United States USD 3.00
Cboe BZX (L2) 9 United States USD 8.00
Cboe MSCI Indexes (L1) United States USD 4.50
Cboe One (L1) 22 United States USD 1.00
Cboe One Add-On Bundle (L1) 20, 21, 22 United States USD 1.00
Cboe Streaming Market Indexes United States USD 3.50
CBOT Real-Time (L2) 3, 6, 10 United States USD 11.00
CBOT Real-Time (L1) 10 United States USD 1.25
CFE Enhanced (L1) United States USD 4.50
CFE Enhanced (L2) United States USD 7.00
CME Real-Time (L2) 3, 6, 10 United States USD 11.00
CME Real-Time (L1) 10 United States USD 1.25
CME S&P Indexes United States USD 6.00
COMEX Real-Time (L2) 3, 6, 10 United States USD 11.00
COMEX Real-Time (L1) 10 United States USD 1.25
CUSIP United States USD 1.00
Dow Jones Global Indices United States USD 2.50
ICE Endex (L2) United States USD 147.00
ICE Futures U.S. (NYBOT)(L2) 7 United States USD 135.00
ICE Futures US Canadian Grain (L2) United States USD 42.00
ICE Futures US - Digital Asset Futures (L2) United States Fee Waived
ISE Options (L2) United States USD 11.50
NASDAQ BX TotalView (L2) 9 United States USD 3.50
NASDAQ Global Index Data Service 14 United States USD 3.50
NASDAQ Options Market (L2) United States USD 11.50
NASDAQ TotalView-OpenView (L2) 9 United States USD 16.50
NASDAQ TotalView-OpenView EDS (L2) 15 United States USD 1.00
NYSE (Network A/CTA)(L1) - Billed by Broker United States USD 1.50
NYSE American, BATS, ARCA, IEX and Regional Exchanges (Network B)(L1) United States USD 1.50
NASDAQ (Network C/UTP)(L1) United States USD 1.50
OTC Global Equities (L2) United States USD 1.50
Global OTC and OTC Markets (L2) United States USD 23.00
NYMEX Real-Time (L2) 3, 6, 10 United States USD 11.00
NYMEX Real-Time (L1) 10 United States USD 1.25
NYSE AMEX Options (L2) United States USD 11.50
NYSE Arca Options (L2) United States USD 11.50
NYSE Arca Order Imbalances United States USD 1.00
NYSE ArcaBook (L2) 9 United States USD 11.00
NYSE Global Index Feed United States USD 2.00
NYSE MKT Order Imbalances United States USD 1.00
NYSE OpenBook (L2) 9 United States USD 25.00
NYSE Order Imbalances United States USD 1.00
OPRA (US Option Exchanges)(L1) 11, 12 United States USD 1.50
OTC Markets (L1) United States USD 8.00
OTC Markets (L2) United States USD 20.00
RussellTick Indices Real-Time United States USD 2.00
The Small Exchange (L2) United States Fee Waived
US Mutual Funds 14 United States Fee Waived
US Bond Real-Time Data 8 United States Fee Waived
Canadian Exchange Group (TSX/TSXV)(L1) 23 Canada USD 20.00
Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE)(L1) 13 Canada USD 2.50
Toronto Stock Exchange (L1)23 Canada CAD 9.00
Toronto Market by Price (L2) , 13 Canada USD 14.00
TSX Venture Exchange (L1) 23 Canada CAD 9.00
TSX Venture Market by Price (L2) 13 Canada USD 21.50
Montreal Exchange (L1)(CDE) 13 Canada USD 7.00
Montreal Exchange (L2)(CDE) 13 Canada USD 10.50
NEO Exchange (L1) Canada USD 1.00
Mexican Futures Derivatives (L1) Mexico USD 29.00
Mexican Options Derivatives (L1) Mexico USD 29.00
Mexican Stock Exchange (L1) Mexico USD 21.50
Bovespa (L1) - Clients residing outside Brazil Brazil USD 5.00
Bovespa (L1) - Clients residing inside Brazil Brazil USD 1.00
Alternative European Equities (L1) Alternative European Exchanges Fee Waived
Europe Equity and Derivative Display Value Bundle 29 Alternative European Exchanges EUR 12.50 Base
Waived for Activity
Cboe EU Equities (L2) 25, 14 Alternative European Exchanges Fee Waived
Cboe EU Equities (L1) Alternative European Exchanges Fee Waived
Turquoise ECNs (L1) Alternative European Exchanges GBP 7.00
Turquoise ECNs (L2) Alternative European Exchanges GBP 13.00
Aquis Exchange (L1) Alternative European Exchanges Fee Waived
Cboe European Derivatives Exchange (CEDX)(L2) 30 Alternative European Exchanges Fee Waived
Euronext All Indices Real-Time Data.
Included in Euronext Data Bundle (L1) and (L2)
Euronext (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal) Included
Euronext Cash (L1)
Available as Euronext Data Bundle – (L1)(Stock (L2) – Equity Derivatives (L1))
Euronext (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal) Available
Euronext Cash (L2)
Available as Euronext Data Bundle – (L1)(Stock (L2) – Equity Derivatives (L2))
Euronext (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal) Available
Euronext Commodity Derivatives (L2) Euronext (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal) EUR 19.50
Euronext Currency Derivatives (L2) Euronext (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal) EUR 3.00
Euronext Data Bundle - Level I (Stocks (L2) - Equity Derivatives (L1)) Euronext (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal) EUR 3.00
Euronext Equity and Index Derivatives (L2) Euronext (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal) EUR 44.50
Vienna Stock Exchange Cash Market - (L1) + Indices
Austria EUR 5.00
Vienna Stock Exchange Cash Market - (L2) + Indices
Austria EUR 9.00
Baltic Equity (L1) Baltic (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) EUR 1.25
Baltic Equity (L2) Baltic (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) EUR 2.50
Prague Stock Exchange Cash Market (L1) Czech Republic EUR 5.00
Prague Stock Exchange Cash Market (L2) Czech Republic EUR 12.00
Deutsche Boerse Indices Germany EUR 1.25
Deutsche Boerse ETFs Germany Fee Waived
Eurex Retail Europe (L1) Germany EUR 2.00
Eurex Core (L1) 26 Germany EUR 8.75
Eurex Core (L2) 27 Germany EUR 13.00
Spot Market Germany (Frankfurt/Xetra) (L1) Germany EUR 16.25
Spot Market Germany (Frankfurt/Xetra) (L2) 24 Germany EUR 21.75
STOXX© Index Data Real-Time Germany EUR 3.00
Stuttgart Boerse incl. Euwax (SWB) (L1) Germany EUR 6.50
STOXX DAX Volatility Index Germany EUR 6.00
Budapest Stock Exchange (L1) Hungary EUR 1.25
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (L1) - clients residing in Israel Israel ILS 5.00
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (L1) - clients residing outside Israel Israel USD 2.50
Borsa Italiana (BVME stock / SEDEX / IDEM deriv) (L1) Italy EUR 4.00
Borsa Italiana (BVME stock / SEDEX / IDEM deriv) (L2) Italy EUR 17.00
Nordic Derivatives (L1)14
Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) EUR 4.00
Nordic Derivatives (L2) 14 Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) EUR 6.00
Nordic Equity (L1) 14 Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) EUR 2.00
Nordic Equity (L2) 14 Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) EUR 6.00
Turquoise Derivatives (Nordic) (L1) Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) NOK 5.00
Warsaw Stock Exchange (L1) Poland PLN 11.00
Warsaw Stock Exchange (L2) Poland PLN 95.00
Saudi Arabia (L1) Saudi Arabia USD 8.75
Ljubljana Stock Exchange Cash Market (L1) Slovenia EUR 2.00
Bolsa de Madrid Plus (L1) Spain EUR 7.00
Bolsa de Madrid (L2) Spain EUR 18.00
IBEX and LATIBEX Indices (L1) Spain EUR 11.00
BME (MEFF) (L1) Spain EUR 3.75
BME (MEFF) (L2) Spain EUR 6.00
SIX Structured Basic Access (L1) Switzerland CHF 6.50
SIX Structured Advanced Access (L2) Switzerland CHF 8.75
SIX Swiss Exchange Indices Switzerland CHF 7.00
SIX Swiss Exchange (L2) Switzerland CHF 13.50
ICE Futures E.U. - Commodities (IPE) (L2) 28 United Kingdom USD 147.00
ICE Futures E.U. – Financials (LIFFE) (L2) 28 United Kingdom USD 125.50
London Metal Exchange (L2) United Kingdom USD 61.00
LSE International (L1) United Kingdom GBP 1.00
LSE UK (L1) United Kingdom GBP 1.00
LSE International (L2) United Kingdom GBP 6.00
LSE UK (L2) United Kingdom GBP 7.00
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (L1) South Africa USD 14.50
ASX Total (L2) Australia AUD 25.00
Cboe Australia (L1) 32, 41 Australia USD 11.00
ASX24 Commodities and Futures (L2) Australia AUD 21.50
Shanghai Stock Exchange 5 Second Snapshot (via HKEx) 33, 38 China USD 1.00
Shanghai Stock Exchange 5 Second Snapshot via HKEx Alternative Display 33, 38 China USD 5.00
Shanghai Stock Exchange (L1)(non-Mainland China residents) 34, 36 China USD 26.50
Shanghai Stock Exchange Alternative Display (L1) 34 China USD 20.00
Shanghai Stock Exchange (L2)(non-Mainland China residents) 35, 36 China USD 35.00
Shanghai Stock Exchange Levels 1 & 2 (Mainland China residents) 35, 37 China USD 5.00
Shenzhen Stock Exchange 3 Second Snapshot (via HKEx) 33, 38 China USD 1.00
Shenzhen Stock Exchange 3 Second Snapshot via HKEx Alternative Display 34 China USD 5.00
Shenzhen Stock Exchange (L1)(non-Mainland China residents) 34, 36 China USD 26.00
Shenzhen Stock Exchange Alternative Display (L1) 34 China USD 30.00
Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Mainland China residents) (L1) 35, 37 China USD 5.50
Hang Seng Indexes Hong Kong HKD 21.50
Hong Kong Derivatives (Fut & Opt) (L1) 40 Hong Kong Fee Waived
Hong Kong Derivatives (Fut & Opt) (L2) 40 Hong Kong HKD 100.00
Hong Kong Securities Exchange (Stocks, Warrants & Bonds) (L1) Hong Kong Fee Waived
Hong Kong Securities Exchange (Stocks, Warrants & Bonds) (L2) Hong Kong HKD 225.00
National Stock Exchange of India, Capital Market Segment, (L1) 39 India Fee Waived
National Stock Exchange of India, Capital Market Segment, (L2) 39 India Fee Waived
National Stock Exchange of India, Futures and Options Segment, (L1) 39 India Fee Waived
National Stock Exchange of India, Futures and Options Segment, (L2) 39 India Fee Waived
Cboe Japan (Japanese Residents Only) (L1) Japan Fee Waived
Cboe Japan (Non-Japanese Residents Only) (L1) Japan USD 0.60
Japannext (L2) Japan JPY 100.00
Osaka Exchange (L1) 31 Japan JPY 200.00
Osaka Exchange (L2) 31 Japan JPY 400.00
Tokyo Stock Exchange (L1) Japan JPY 300.00
Tokyo Stock Exchange (L2) Japan JPY 380.00
Bursa Malaysia Securities (L2) Malaysia USD 0.60
Bursa Malaysia Futures Derivatives (L2) Malaysia USD 0.60
Singapore Exchange (SGX) – Derivatives (L1) Singapore SGD 2.00
Singapore Exchange (SGX) – Stocks (L1) Singapore SGD 14.00
SGX India Connect - Derivatives (L1) - Clients residing inside India India USD 7.00
SGX India Connect - Derivatives (L1) - Clients residing outside India India USD 13.00
Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) - (L1) Taiwan USD 1.00


  1. Includes snapshot data for Consolidated Tapes A, B, and C (NYSE, NYSE American, NASDAQ) to provide NBBO. Requesting snapshot quotes will result in extra fees on top of the base value of the service. Also includes top of book quotes for OTC Markets, CBOE Market Data Express Indices, US Bond Quotes, and Dow Jones Indices (Dow Jones Indices is not included in Professional US Securities Snapshot Bundle). For more information on snapshot quotes, please visit Snapshot Market Data.
  2. Includes top of book quotes for CBOT, CME, COMEX, and NYMEX
  3. Access to US Futures data requires clients to have US Futures Trading Permissions.
  4. Accounts must generate at least USD 30 in commissions per month per each user subscribed.
  5. Requires a subscription to the US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle. Includes depth of book quotes for CBOT, CME, COMEX, and NYMEX.
  6. Top of Book data is included in the Depth of Book subscription.
  7. Includes options and Liffe precious metals futures and futures options.
  8. Includes US corporate bonds and US-Treasuries.
  9. Must subscribe to NYSE (Network A/CTA), NYSE American, BATS, ARCA, IEX and Regional Exchanges (Network B) and NASDAQ (Network C/UTP) data.
  10. Fee is waived if commissions generated are greater than USD 20.00
  11. Includes all options exchanges
  12. For each subscriber the account must generate at least USD 20 in commissions per month to have the monthly fee waived for all users.
  13. Service is denominated in CAD for Canadian Accounts.
  14. These services can trigger Hosted Solutions fees. For more information, please go to Market Data Exchange Access Fees Overview.
  15. Must subscribe to the standard NASDAQ TotalView-OpenView data. This data is intended for display use only.
  16. Snapshots are capped and switched to streaming quotes when the total snapshot cost equals the streaming equivalent.
  17. The streaming service for Network A, B, or C (NYSE, NYSE American, NASDAQ) supersedes their respective snapshot service. If a client subscribes to the streaming service of NYSE, NYSE American, or NASDAQ before being capped for the exchanges' snapshot service, they will only pay for the streaming service, not the month's previous snapshots for the respective service.
  18. Includes NYSE (Network A/CTA), NYSE American, BATS, ARCA, IEX, and Regional Exchanges (Network B), NASDAQ(Network C/UTP), and OPRA(US Options).
  19. Requires US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle for NonProfessionals or Professional US Securities Snapshot Bundle.
  20. Fee is waived if commissions generated are greater than USD 5.00.
  21. Requires a subscription to either the Professional US Securities Snapshot Bundle or the US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle. Available in TWS version 978 and above.
  22. Service not available for IBKR Lite Clients.
  23. For Non-Canadian Residents Only
  24. FWB floor data is provided at Level I only.
  25. Includes Cboe, NURO.
  26. Level I does not provide any market depth (just bid /ask).
  27. Level II only shows a market depth of 5.
  28. Includes options.
  29. Accounts must generate at least USD 35 in commissions per month, per each user subscribed. Includes top-of-book data from Borsa Italiana, Eurex Retail Europe, Euronext Basic, Cboe Global Markets Europe, Nordic Equity and Derivatives, Tradegate, and Turquoise Equity and Derivatives. Service not eligible for use in alternative display formats.
  30. Fees waived throughout 2025.
  31. Includes Derivatives and Indices.
  32. Allows subscribers to see true NBBO when also subscribed to ASX Total Depth of Book.
  33. 5 second snapshot data for bid/ask and last.
  34. Real-time last with 3 second bid/ask snapshot data.
  35. Real-time last with 3 second bid/ask snapshot data and market depth.
  36. For clients who have accounts registered outside of Mainland China.
  37. For clients who have accounts registered inside Mainland China.
  38. For each subscriber the account must generate at least USD 5 in commissions per month to have the monthly fee waived for all users.
  39. Services only available for Indian Residents.
  40. Available as a fee waived service for clients registered in the countries and region of China, India, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore.
  41. For residents of Australia and New Zealand, the prices are in AUD.


Non-Professional Subscriber - A "Non-professional Subscriber" is any natural person (the definition of a natural person excludes corporations, trusts, organizations, institutions and partnership accounts) whom a market data vendor has determined qualifies as a "Nonprofessional Subscriber" and who is not:

  1. Registered or qualified with: the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, any state securities agency, any securities exchange or association, or any commodities or futures contract market or association, nor
  2. Engaged as an "investment advisor" as that term is defined in Section 201(11) of the Investment Advisor's Act of 1940 (whether or not registered or qualified under that Act), nor
  3. Employed by a bank or another organization that is exempt from registration under Federal and/or state securities laws to perform functions that would require him or her to be so registered or qualified if he or she were to perform such functions for an organization not so exempt.

Any person who does meet the above criteria (a, b, & c) is considered a Professional Subscriber.

Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport. Trading of securities and derivatives may involve a high degree of risk and investors should be prepared for the risk of losing their entire investment and losing further amounts. Using borrowed money to finance the purchase of securities involves greater risk than using cash resources only. If you borrow money to purchase securities, your responsibility to repay the loan and pay interest as required by its terms remains the same even if the value of the securities purchased declines. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is an order execution-only dealer and does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any securities or derivatives. Our registered office is located at 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3J6, Canada.

Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport