Fractional Trading


Build a Balanced Portfolio with
Fractional Shares

Invest in the stocks you want regardless of share price

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fractional shares pie chart
Brokers US Fractional Shares Available1
E-Trade 0
Fidelity 7,000 +
IBKR 10,500 +
Schwab 500

[1] Fractional shares available for purchase as of January 1, 2025. Source: Bankrate

“IBKR has more fractional shares available across more markets than anyone else.”

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No Stock is Too Expensive

Pick any eligible US, Canadian or European stock (or ETF, where available) and decide how much you want to invest - it's that easy. If the purchase price doesn't result in a whole number of shares, we'll buy or sell fractional shares.

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Pick Your
$ Amount
Share Price1 Number of Shares
NFLX $25 $644.50 0.0388
TSLA $25 $173.79 0.1439
GOOG $25 $176.03 0.1420
AMZN $25 $184.69 0.1354
$100 Stock Portfolio

Any trading symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray recommendations.
[1] Share prices as of June 11, 2024.

Get More for Your Money

Get More for Your Money

With fractional shares you can divide your investments among more stocks to achieve a more diversified portfolio, and put small cash balances to work quickly to maximize potential returns!

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Available on all platforms for all clients.

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Getting Started with Advisor Portal

Fractional Shares - FAQs

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Getting Started with Advisor Portal

Fractional Shares - Order Types

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FAQ About Fractional Trading


  1. Fractional shares available for purchase as of January 1, 2025. Source: Bankrate
  2. Share prices as of June 11, 2024.

  • Interactive Brokers may close fractional share positions in stocks no longer eligible for fractional trading at any given time.

Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport. Trading of securities and derivatives may involve a high degree of risk and investors should be prepared for the risk of losing their entire investment and losing further amounts. Using borrowed money to finance the purchase of securities involves greater risk than using cash resources only. If you borrow money to purchase securities, your responsibility to repay the loan and pay interest as required by its terms remains the same even if the value of the securities purchased declines. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is an order execution-only dealer and does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any securities or derivatives. Our registered office is located at 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3J6, Canada.

Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport