Learn more about Volatility Lab from our Traders' Academy.
Implied Volatility plots the anticipated volatility of the selected stock using the prevailing option premium. See at a glance whether or not implied volatility is relatively high in any given month, possibly caused by expected earnings announcements or uncertainty over possible changes to dividend payments.
The Historical Volatility plots a 30-day reading of both implied and historical volatility against the share price over custom period that you define. A light gray line in the background plots the reading for the underlying share price.
See how your selected stock’s volatility measures up against the volatility of comparable companies in the same industry in the Industry Comparison tab.
With customizable settings and color-coded plots, the Volatility Lab makes it easy to compare and contrast the option market’s views on the volatility of any selected stock over the coming months.
Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport. Trading of securities and derivatives may involve a high degree of risk and investors should be prepared for the risk of losing their entire investment and losing further amounts. Using borrowed money to finance the purchase of securities involves greater risk than using cash resources only. If you borrow money to purchase securities, your responsibility to repay the loan and pay interest as required by its terms remains the same even if the value of the securities purchased declines. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is an order execution-only dealer and does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any securities or derivatives. Our registered office is located at 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3J6, Canada.
Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport