Account Management - Release Notes 2015 Archive

December 2015

Week Ending December 11, 2015

Tax Form Collection Page - Updating Your IRS Form W-8/W-9

Beginning with this release, you now update your IRS Form W-8 (non-US legal residents and non-US citizens) or W-9 (legal residents and citizens of US) on the Tax Form Collection Page. The W-8/W-9 page has been removed from Account Management.

Access the new Tax Form Collection page by clicking Manage Account > Account Information > Tax Information > Tax Forms to:

  • Review and update important tax-related information;
  • Update your IRS Form W-8 or W-9.

When an organization adds a new owner, the new owner must log in to Account Management to complete the form on the Tax Form Collection page.

Week Ending December 4, 2015

Organization Changes - Adding Owners and Changing Ownership Percentages

We have made some changes to the way organizations, including Proprietary Trading Group and Small Business accounts, add new owners and update ownership percentages.

  • The Ownership Percentage page has been removed from the Manage Account menu. Accounts that are organizations now use the new Withholding Statements page to update the ownership percentage of all owners. This new page also lets organizations verify the name and address, Tax ID number, and tax statuses of all owners. Access this new page by clicking Manage Account > Account Information > Tax Information > Withholding Statement.
  • When an organization adds a new owner, the account master user or account holder adds either an individual or entity user on the Manage Account > Account Information > Details > Profile page, and selects Owner as the Association Type and enters the ownership percentage. The new owner receives his or her own username and password, and must log in to Account Management to complete a one-time form.

Non-Disclosed Brokers Can No Longer Update Client W8/W9 Forms

Beginning with this release, non-disclosed brokers can no longer update their clients' W8 or W9 forms in Account Management.

November 2015

Week Ending November 27, 2015

Paper Account Applications No Longer Available

We no longer offer paper applications for any of our institution accounts or institution client accounts. We encourage our Advisor, Broker, Hedge Fund, and Proprietary Trading Group accounts to use fully electronic or semi-electronic client account applications, which are available from within Account Management.

October 2015

Week Ending October 30, 2015

EmployeeTrack Management - Batch Reports

Beginning with this release, requests from EmployeeTrack Management for Activity Statements and Activity Flex Queries with a large amount of activity will now be placed in a queue for batch processing. Specifically, any Activity Statement or Activity Flex Query request that includes over 20,000 activities or over 250 accounts will be automatically submitted for batch processing. When you generate one of these reports, you will receive a message indicating that it has been submitted for batch processing.

You can view the status of these requests as well as view completed report requests on the Batch Reports page, which is accessible in EmployeeTrack Management from the Reports > Activity menu.

For detailed information on batch reports in EmployeeTrack Management, see the EmployeeTrack Management Users' Guide.

Week Ending October 16, 2015

CRM Updates

We've updated our database-driven Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, which lets advisors and brokers manage the entire customer relationship life cycle in one place in Account Management.

CRM now includes:

  • An updated user interface, redesigned for ease of use and including new, simpler icons for most functions.
  • Summary views of current tasks and events displayed on the CRM home page.
  • Email - We provide secure email accounts with 25 GB of storage through Rackspace for USD 1 per month, which will be charged to your IB account. You set up these email accounts through CRM, and they cannot be accessed by Interactive Brokers.
  • Events and Tasks - Schedule events for individual contacts with our easy-to-use interactive calendar, and add easily add important tasks to contacts.
  • Check on the progress of client account applications and view detailed information about your current clients with a click of your mouse.
  • Advanced Search capability, including a wide variety of available search criteria.
  • Groups - organize all of your contacts into groups for ease of management. Quickly create new groups, add and remove contacts to and from a group, rename and delete groups.
  • Bulk Email - Send an email with attachments to multiple contacts or to all some or all members of a group.

For detailed information on CRM, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Week Ending October 9, 2015

Dividend Reinvestment

Beginning with this release, you can automatically invest your cash dividends from common and preferred stocks in the underlying stock. You turn automatic dividend reinvestment on or off at the account level only; that is, you cannot choose which dividends to reinvest. Once you enable dividend reinvestment in Account Management, IB will use your dividend payment to purchase additional shares of that stock.

Note the following:

  • Dividend reinvestment is turned off by default.
  • The program is currently available to IB LLC clients only.
  • If your account is in a margin deficit and can’t initiate new positions, your dividends will not be reinvested, even if you have dividend reinvestment enabled.

For detailed information on how to enable and disable dividend reinvestment, see Dividend Reinvestment in the Account Management Users' Guide.

W-8/W-9 Page Moved to New Submenu

Effective with this release, the W-8/W-9 page that lets you update your Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, has been moved. You can now find this page in the new Tax Information submenu in the Manage Account menu. To access the W-8/W-9 page, click Manage Account > Account Information > Tax Information > W-8/W-9.

September 2015

Week Ending September 25, 2015

Support for Longer Login Passwords

Effective with this release, the password length limitations for login credentials have been significantly expanded to allow passwords of up to 40 characters long for Account Management access.

View Invoices for Soft Dollars Disbursement

Previously, uploaded invoices for soft dollar disbursements were unavailable for viewing. With this new release, you can now both upload and view soft dollar invoices from the Funding > Soft Dollar Disbursements page in Account Management.

August 2015

Week Ending August 7, 2015

White Branding - Hide Investors' Marketplace

Beginning with this release, Brokers, Professional Advisors and Fund Investment Managers can choose to hide the Investors' Marketplace when setting up white branding for Account Management. Access these settings in Account Management by clicking Manage Account > Settings > White Branding, and then click Registration System, Account Management, Statements and PortfolioAnalyst. The Hide Investors' Marketplace check box is located in that section.

For more information, White Branding Account Management, the Registration System and Statements in the Account Management Users' Guide.

Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Program Renamed to Hedge Fund Marketplace

We've renamed our popular Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Program to Hedge Fund Marketplace. The program itself has not changed; only the name has changed. The Hedge Fund Marketplace is our online version of a traditional Capital Introduction program and is designed to help Hedge Funds who use us as their principal Prime Broker market their Funds to our customers who are Accredited Investors and Qualified Purchasers, as well as other Hedge Funds who have opened their funds to investing by qualified IB clients. Access the Hedge Fund Marketplace at our Investors' Marketplace, or by clicking Investors' Marketplace > Advertise Services > Investing > Hedge Funds in Account Management.

July 2015

Week Ending July 17, 2015

Broker Markups on Borrow Fees

Beginning with this release, Brokers can charge markups to their clients based on our stock borrow rates, entered as a variable or fixed percentage of our borrow rate. You can enter both types of markups and our system will apply the markup rate that results in the larger total amount.

  • Variable borrow fee markup - This is a variable percentage of our borrow rate. The total cost to your client is calculated as follows:
    Borrow Rate (1 + Variable Markup Percentage)
    The range of acceptable values that you can enter is 0 - 25%.
  • Fixed borrow fee markup - This is a fixed percentage of our borrow rate.The total cost to your client is calculated as follows:
    Borrow Rate + Fixed Markup Percentage)
    The range of acceptable values that you can enter is 0 - 1%.

Enter markups on borrow fees on the Configure Fees page in Account Management (click Manage Clients > Fees > Configure), in the Interest Rate section.

For more information about borrow fee markups including examples, see Types of Broker Client Markups in the Account Management Users' Guide.

Week Ending July 3, 2015

The enhancements and modifications below are available as of July 2, 2015.

Advisors Can Invest in Hedge Funds for Their Clients

Beginning with this release, Registered Investment Advisors can invest in a hedge fund at the Hedge Fund Marketplace (formerly Hedge Fund Investor Site) on behalf of an eligible client, and charge fees on the current value of the amount that their clients have invested at the same time.

The Advisor begins this process from the Dashboard by clicking the desired client account to view the Client Account Details, and then clicks Hedge Fund Marketplace in the Special Programs section. For each client who invests in a participating hedge fund, the Advisor can enter fees based on the Annualized Percentage of Net Liquidation Value of the current value of the client's investment in the Fund and/or the percentage of profit and loss of the client's investment in the Fund, as well as configure the fee posting frequency (monthly or quarterly), all from the Hedge Fund Marketplace.

Clients must approve hedge fund investments that you make for them if they have never invested in a specific fund before. If the Advisor included fee changes with the investment, the client can approve both the investment and the fee changes at the same time on the Pending Items page, available from the Account Management Home page. Once the client confirms the investment on the Pending Items page, he or she will be asked to enter a signature on a confirmation page. In addition, the Advisor can view any pending hedge fund investments for a client by clicking the Pending Items tab from the Dashboard.

To be eligible to invest in a Hedge fund at the Hedge Fund Investor Site, an Advisor client must be an Accredited Investor or Qualified Purchase under SEC rules. Click here to see additional eligibility requirements and rules for hedge fund investing.

RIA Forums

Our new RIA Forums page gives Registered Investment Advisors access to the IB Advisor Forums, an online community for advisors. The IB Advisor Forums are built on a common Internet bulletin board forum and include the following features:

  • Create and post comments in multiple forums. The Index tab displays all forums. Click any forum name to view the posts in that forum.
  • Search for specific forum users and view a list of all forum users on the User list tab.
  • Search for posts by keyword, author or forum on the Search tab.
  • Enter and edit information about yourself, including email address, password, personal information, and edit display and privacy settings on the Profile tab.

Access the RIA Forums page from the Support menu.

To post on the Advisor Forums, you will need to log in with your Voting Subscription username and password. If you do not have a Voting Subscription username and password, you will prompted to create them the first time you access the RIA Forums page.

Additional Enhancements

We've also added the following enhancements to Account Management:

  • Client Account Templates Optional Steps - When an Advisor or a Broker creates a client account template, the Investment Objectives and Intended Purpose of Trading step is now optional. You can choose to skip individual sections on this page or skip the entire page when creating the template. For more information, see Client Account Templates.
  • Dashboard Account Filter Update - On the Dashboard main page, you can filter the list of accounts by Account Status. We've modified the filter drop-down list to include the following statuses: All, Open Accounts, Pending Applications, Closed Accounts, Rejected Applications, Deleted Applications or Open Not Funded.
  • Hedge Fund Investor Site Renamed - The Hedge Fund Investor Site, where eligible customers can view and invest in participating Hedge Funds, has been renamed the Hedge Fund Marketplace. Access this Marketplace by clicking Investors' Marketplace > Search Services > Investing > Hedge Funds.

June 2015

Week Ending June 19, 2015

View Deleted Applications on the Dashboard

Beginning with this release, Advisors, Brokers and Multiple Hedge Fund Investment Managers view a list of all deleted client account applications. Simply selected Deleted Applications from the Status drop-down on the Dashboard page. Access the Dashboard by clicking Manage Clients > Dashboard.

Broker Fees for IB-Issued and Non-IB-Issued Warrants

Brokers can now set markups for IB-issued and Non-IB-issued warrants on the Configure Fees page. Access the Configure Fees page by clicking Manage Clients > Fees > Configure.

Market Data and Research Subscription Termination

Beginning with this release, your active market data and research subscriptions will be terminated if you have not logged into Trader Workstation for 60 days. You can avoid termination by logging in to TWS, or by visiting the Market Data Subscription and Research pages in Account Management and clicking the new Continue Subscription button. Interactive Brokers always notifies you of impending termination of market data and/or research subscriptions.

View all of the rules of market data and research subscription termination here.

Week Ending June 5, 2015

Dashboard Enhancements

Beginning with this release, we've enhanced some features of the Dashboard, which lets Advisors, Brokers and Multiple Hedge Fund Investment Managers quickly and easily access information about their clients from a single point of access, as well as manage many aspects of each client account. Specifically, the following changes have been made:

  • Account Status tabs have been replaced by a drop-down filter, which lets you filter the list of client accounts by their account status. You can choose to view all open, pending, closed and rejected accounts by selecting the appropriate status from the Status drop-down.
  • The Smart Search field no longer automatically reloads the list of accounts as you type search criteria into the field. Now when you type the search criteria into the field, you click a Go button in tihe field to display the accounts that match your search.

For more information about viewing client account details, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Trading Restrictions Update

When you select a Time-in-Force (TIF) as part of entering restrictions on the Trading Restrictions page, you no longer enter a Begin Date and End Date for the GTC (Good-Til-Cancel) TIF selection.

May 2015

Week Ending May 15, 2015

Dashboard Enhancements

Beginning with this release, Advisors, Brokers and Multiple Hedge Fund Investment Managers can now view Customer Service Messages and Corporate Actions for an individual client or fund account. Once you choose a specific account from the Dashboard, you can view messages for that account on the Messages tab and Corporate Actions on the Corporate Actions tab.

For more information about viewing client account details, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Canadian Fully Disclosed Brokers

We now accept applications for Fully Disclosed Broker accounts from Canada. For details about the information Canadian Fully Disclosed Brokers must provide to Interactive Brokers to support their account applications, see the What You Need page on our website. This page is also accessible from the Open Account menu after you select Broker from the SELECT drop-down on our home page.

Corporate Access Provider Marketplace

The Meet with Management Marketplace has been renamed to Corporate Access Provider Marketplace. The Corporate Access Provider Marketplace is available from the Business Development category of our Investors' Marketplace. This Marketplace lets Advisors, Brokers and Hedge Funds search for and connect to Corporate Access Providers, who facilitate meetings, roadshows and conference calls between institutional investors and companies looking for potential investors.

Access the Investors' Marketplace from the Trading menu or the footer section on our website, or from the Investors' Marketplace menu in Account Management.

Hedge Fund Investment Managers Can Enable and Disable Client Trading

Hedge Fund Investment Managers with Multiple Fund accounts can now enable or disable trading for their fund and SMA accounts. Access this feature on the Client Trading page by clicking Manage Clients > Trading > Configuration.

Week Ending May 1, 2015

Advisors Can Charge Fees on Client Investments in Hedge Funds

Advisors can now charge fees on the current value of the amount that their clients have invested in hedge funds who participate in our Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Program (HFCIP), which is part of our Investors’ Marketplace. If you are an Advisor and you have already invested funds for your client at the Hedge Fund Investor Site (available at the Marketplace), the invested hedge fund will automatically be enabled for the fee program.

For each client who invests in a participating hedge fund, the Advisor can charge fees based on the Annualized Percentage of Net Liquidation Value of the current value of the client's investment in the Fund and/or the percentage of profit and loss of the client's investment in the Fund, as well as configure the fee posting frequency (monthly or quarterly). Advisor clients must approve the fee schedule by signing a form.

For more information, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Meet with Management Marketplace

We've added the Meet with Management Marketplace to the Business Development category of our Investors' Marketplace. The Meet with Management Marketplace lets Advisors, Brokers and Hedge Funds search for and connect to Corporate Access Providers, who facilitate meetings, roadshows and conference calls between institutional investors and companies looking for potential investors.

Access the Investors' Marketplace from the Trading menu or the footer section on our website, or from the Investors' Marketplace menu in Account Management.

April 2015

Week Ending April 24, 2015

Dashboard Update - Enhanced Navigation

The Dashboard, which provides quick and easy access to information about Advisor, Broker and Hedge Fund client and fund accounts from a single point of access, has been updated with enhanced navigation. Beginning with this release, Advisors, Fully and Non-Disclosed Brokers and Multiple Hedge Fund Investment Managers can select how many accounts to view on a single page - 50, 75 or 100 - and can quickly navigate between pages of client account lists. This feature is especially useful for account structures with a large number of client and/or fund accounts.

For more information about the Dashboard, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Week Ending April 10, 2015

Households for Advisors and Fully Disclosed Brokers

Beginning with this release, Advisors and Fully Disclosed Brokers with multiple accounts for a single family or an individual can group those accounts into a household to more efficiently manage those accounts. Individuals and Advisor and Broker clients can request that their accounts be grouped into a household to reduce the amount of paper mail they receive and to view consolidated reporting and account details in Account Management. The primary user of the household, called the Head of Household, is allowed to view reporting and account information of the other accounts in the household.

Advisors and Fully Disclosed Brokers can create households, add accounts to households, and perform other tasks related to households in Account Management.

Single accounts can household their accounts by submitting a paper form. The Create Household form is located on the Support > Paper Forms page in Account Management.

For more information about households, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Update - Link Individual Account to Advisor- or Broker-Managed Account

The ability to link your Individual, Joint, Trust and IRA account to an Advisor- or Broker-managed account has been enhanced:

  • Individual, Joint, Trust and IRA account holders can link their full account, including all cash and positions, to an Advisor- or Broker-managed account directly from the Investors' Marketplace.

    Access Advisors and Brokers at the Marketplace by clicking Investors' Marketplace > Search Services > Investing > Advisors or Investors' Marketplace > Search Services > Investing > Brokers in Account Management.
  • Individual, Joint, Trust and IRA account holders can now choose whether to move their full account(s) to the Advisor or Broker, or create a new account that will be managed by the Advisor or Broker. If they choose to create a new Advisor- or Broker-managed account, they will retain their existing account, which will be linked to the new Advisor- or Broker-managed account.

To learn more about linking to Advisor- and Broker-managed accounts, see our Account Management Users' Guide.

Penny Stocks Trading Permission

Beginning with this release, all customers of IB LLC and all IB entities that clear through IB LLC (IB UK, IB Canada) and wish to trade penny stocks must request penny stock trading permissions in Account Management. Penny stocks are defined as any stock whose primary listing exchange is OTCBB, PINK or VALUE.

Before you can trade penny stocks, you must request penny stock trading permission in Account Management: click Manage Account > Trade Configuration > Permissions, select Penny Stocks, and then acknowledge our Penny Stock Disclosure.

Note the following additional guidelines for trading penny stocks:

  • You and all trading users in your account must be using two-factor authentication to be eligible to trade penny stocks. This means that you and all trading users in your account must be using either a Secure Login Device or our sDSA security app to log in.
  • You must meet the minimum financial and age criteria required to trade equity options in order to qualify to trade penny stocks.
  • If you do not have penny stock trading permissions, you will not be allowed to transfer penny stocks into your IB account.
  • If you already hold penny stocks and have not yet requested penny stock trading permissions, you will be allowed to close out those positions.

Wire Withdrawals to a Third Party

Beginning with this release, you can now request a wire withdrawal of funds from your account to an eligible third party. A third-party withdrawal is a two-step process:

  1. Enter third-party information and submit it to us for approval.
  2. Upon approval of the payee information, create and submit a third-party withdrawal request using the approved information as the bank information for the withdrawal.

For detailed information about the eligibilty requirements and approval process for third-party withdrawals, refer to the Withdrawals page at the Funding Reference on our website.

For information on to how to request a third-party withdrawal in Account Management, see our Account Management Users' Guide.

March 2015

Week Ending March 27, 2015

Dashboard for Advisors, Brokers and Multiple Hedge Funds

Beginning with this release, Advisors, Fully Disclosed Brokers, Non-Disclosed Brokers and Multiple Hedge Fund Investment Managers can now quickly and easily access information about their clients from a single point of access, as well as manage many aspects of each client or fund account.

Previously, you could view lists of all open, pending, closed and rejected client or fund accounts from the Manage Clients > View menu, and view client account details from the View > Summary page in Account Management. This menu structure has been replaced by the Dashboard.

Access the Dashboard from the Manage Clients menu (Manage Funds menu for Hedge Funds) to view information about all of your client and fund accounts:

  • View lists of all open, pending, closed and rejected client accounts.
  • View pending items for all client accounts on a single screen.
  • Fully Disclosed Brokers can also view application and options trading approvals for all accounts in the Approvals column, as well as all pending client applications that are ready to be approved on the Approvals tab if they have enabled Client Approvals.
  • View recent activity for the past five days for all client accounts.
  • Search for and sort client accounts by account title, account type, account number, username or account alias.
  • Download a list of outstanding registration tasks for all pending client accounts to Microsoft Excel.
  • Download information about all client accounts to Microsoft Excel.

From the Dashboard, you can drill down to view and manage individual client and fund accounts:

  • Drill down to account details, balances, positions and transaction history for any client.
  • View pending items.
  • Perform account management tasks, including:
    • Edit account alias, advisor or broker fees, and other settings;
    • Running activity statements and PortfolioAnalyst reports
    • Print account details;
    • Generate a PDF version of the account application;
    • View all registration tasks.
    • Fully Disclosed Brokers can also approve or reject pending client applications and pending client options trading permissions if they have enabled Client Approvals.
  • Brokers can edit Registered Representatives.
  • Advisors can get special authorizations from clients to modify additional account settings for that client.

For more information about the Dashboard, see the Account Management Users' Guide.

Brokers Can Now Link to Administrator Accounts

Beginning with this release, Brokers can now now link to Administrators at the Investors' Marketplace in Account Management. Administrators are third-party administrators, auditors, accountants or outside legal counsel who provide services institution accounts. Once linked to existing IB accounts, Administrators can these log in once to perform their services for multiple accounts.

Previously, only Financial Advisors, Hedge Funds and Proprietary Trading Groups could link to Administrators.

To learn more about searching for and linking to Administrator accounts, see our Account Management Users' Guide.

Week Ending March 20, 2015

Traders' Library

Beginning with this release, IB clients can now access the Traders' Library, part of our Investors' Marketplace. The Traders' Library connects you to, where you can search for investing-related books and purchase them at a discount. Simply follow the simple instructions on the website.

In Account Management, access the Traders' Library by clicking Investors' Marketplace > Search Services > Research > Traders' Library. You can also access the Traders' Library from the Investors' Marketplace on our website.

February 2015

Week Ending February 13, 2015

Semi-Electronic and Paper Applications for Multiple Hedge Fund Accounts Added to Fully Disclosed Brokers

Beginning with this release, Fully Disclosed Brokers who wish to add a Multiple Hedge Fund account to their Broker account structure can now select a semi-electronic or paper application when adding the account. Previously, a Fully Disclosed Broker could only add a Multiple Hedge Fund account using the fully electronic application.

In a semi-electronic application, you complete the application electronically, print out a paper copy for the client to sign, then send the signed application to us for processing. For a paper application, you print a paper application and disclosures forms, give them to your client to complete and sign, then send the completed application to us for processing.

Once added to the Fully Disclosed Broker account, the Multiple Hedge Fund Investment Manager can add Fund or Separately Managed accounts, effectively creating a three-level account structure for the Fully Disclosed Broker.

In Account Management, a fully disclosed broker adds a Multiple Hedge Fund account on the Manage Clients > Accounts > Create > New page.

For more information, refer to the Account Management Users' Guide.

For detailed rules governing these new three-level accounts, see Rules for Three-level Fully Disclosed Broker Accounts.

January 2015

Week Ending January 30, 2015

Advisor Client Fee Enhancements

Beginning with this release, we have added the following new features to Advisor Client Fee configuration:

  • Charge Client Commissions to the Advisor Account - On the Manage Clients > Fees > Configure page, Advisors can now choose to charge all commissions for a client account to the Advisor account by clicking the Charge Commissions to Advisor Account check box. Note that if the Advisor Master account balance is below $1000 when the commissions need to be posted, then the commission will be charged to the client account.
  • Charge Client Fees to the Advisor Master Account - Advisors can now choose to charge minimum monthly fees and IRA account fees for their clients to their Advisor Master account. Click Manage Clients > Fees > Charge Fees to Master to select this option.
  • Advisor Fee Reimbursements - Advisors can now reimburse fees to their client accounts on the Advisor Invoicing page. To do this, click Manage Clients > Fees > Invoicing, and in the Fee Reimbursements section of the page, submit new fee reimbursements, review pending fee reimbursements or view the status of fee reimbursements. Note that new fee reimbursements cannot exceed 50% of the invoice fees charged in the last 12 months.

Request Soft Dollars Disbursements from Account Management

Customers who participate in our Soft Dollars Program can now request soft dollars disbursements to approved soft dollar vendors from within Account Management.

You request disbursements to soft dollar vendors on the Funding > Soft Dollars Disbursement page in Account Management. Click the new Request Disbursement button for any vendor listed on the page, and then enter details about the disbursement on the form provided, including uploading an electronic invoice from your computer.

Previously, participants in the Soft Dollars Program could not request disbursements in Account Management.

Additional Updates
  • ATON Position Transfers for Advisor Clients - Advisors can now request ATON (Account Transfer on Notification) position transfers for their clients. ATON is used to transfer US or Canadian stocks, options and cash held at another brokerage firm.
  • Additional Features for Non-Disclosed Brokers - Non-Disclosed Brokers can now delete pending client applications. Delete a client application by clicking the Delete Application button on the Manage Clients > Accounts > View > Pending page. Non-Disclosed Brokers can also request all types of position transfers for their clients on the Funding > Position Transfers page.
  • Jobs Marketplace Renamed to Careers Marketplace - The Jobs Marketplace, part of our Investors' Marketplace (currently in Beta release), has been renamed to Careers. The Investors' Marketplace > Search Services > Business Development > Careers page lets account holders who are not Advisors, Hedge Funds, Proprietary Trading Group Masters or Brokers search for open positions, and lets Advisors, Hedge Funds, Proprietary Trading Group Masters and Brokers look for individual job-seekers to fill open positions. The Investors' Marketplace > Advertise Services > Business Development > Careers page lets Advisors, Hedge Funds, Proprietary Trading Group Masters or Brokers post open positions, and lets account holders who are not Advisors, Hedge Funds, Proprietary Trading Group Masters and Brokers post their resumes.

Week Ending January 16, 2015

Link Existing Account Enhancements

The Link Existing Account page in Account Management lets you link multiple IB accounts under a single username and password. We have added the following enhancement to this feature:

  • When you link existing accounts, you are presented with an account comparison screen, which displays the individual and financial information for the accounts that are being linked. You can now edit mismatched information directly on this page. Previously, you could only view this mismatched information on this page and had to modify the information separately.

You access the Link Existing Account page by clicking Manage Account > Add or Link Accounts > Link Existing Account in Account Management.

Additional Updates

The following updates and enhancements are also available with this release:

  • The Language Menu icon has been changed to a globe. The functionality of the Language Menu has not changed; you still use the Language Menu to change the display language in Account Management and the Customer Service Message Center
  • Hedge Funds who participate in our Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Program can now invest in other Hedge Funds who participate in the program. Participating Hedge Funds can now access the Hedge Fund Investor Site by clicking Investors' Marketplace > Search Services > Investing > Hedge Fund Investor Site in Account Management.

Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport. Trading of securities and derivatives may involve a high degree of risk and investors should be prepared for the risk of losing their entire investment and losing further amounts. Using borrowed money to finance the purchase of securities involves greater risk than using cash resources only. If you borrow money to purchase securities, your responsibility to repay the loan and pay interest as required by its terms remains the same even if the value of the securities purchased declines. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. is an order execution-only dealer and does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any securities or derivatives. Our registered office is located at 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3J6, Canada.

Know Your Advisor: View the CIRO AdvisorReport