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Contracts For Difference - Global

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Note: Legal residents of the US, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Israel are prohibited from trading IBUK-issued CFDs. Residents of Spain can trade CFDs issued by IBUK if they are either MiFID Professionals or clients of a Spanish Introducing Broker or Professional Financial Advisor. Residents of Australia can trade CFDs issued by Interactive Brokers Australia PTY LTD. Residents of Japan can trade CFDs issued by IB Securities Japan (IBSJ). Singapore residents can trade CFDs except those based on underlyings traded in Singapore.

Country/Region Market Center Details Products Hours

IBFXCFD Contracts For Difference
Sunday - Friday: 17:15 - 17:00 ET

On some exchanges, different products have different trading hours.

  • Standard orders submitted through IdealPro are subject to minimum and maximum size restrictions. Customers who wish to submit orders in quantities greater than the standard order maximums can request to gain access to IBKR’s Large–Size Order Facility. In addition to allowing submission of FX orders greater than the stated limits, the Large–Size Order Facility allows customers to RFQ (Request for Quote) for an FX pair specific to the order quantity entered. Please contact Client Services or your IBKR Sales Representative to see if you qualify for the Large–Size Order Facility.
  • U.S. Clients with IBLLC accounts, and Fully Disclosed Broker Clients from the U.S. generally must be Eligible Contract Participants to be eligible to trade currency products. An Eligible Contract Participant is generally an individual or organization with assets of over $10 MM (or $5 MM if trades are hedging). The complete definition is located in Section 1a(18) of the Commodity Exchange Act. For more information about the Commodity Exchange Act, see the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission website, or read the complete definition here.
  • Click here for the Holiday Calendar. Traders should note in the event one currency of a currency pair has a settlement holiday, the settlement will be delayed until both currencies are available for settlement. In addition, most currency pairs will not settle on a USD settlement holiday. This treatment is regardless of whether USD is part of the transaction directly.
  • IDEAL FX includes a suite of FX execution services including IDEAL and IDEALPRO.
  • Additional information about your retail currency transactions is available in Account Management (see KB2878), including information required under NFA Rule 2-36(o). We can provide this information for trades executed within the 15 minutes immediately before and after your trade. This information is available for a period of 6 months after your trade.

North America
Country/Region Market Center Details Products Hours

United States
IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Share)
Share: 9:30 - 16:00 ET
Index: 3:00 - 16:00 ET

On some exchanges, different products have different trading hours.

** Legal residents of the US, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Israel are prohibited from trading IB UK-issued CFDs. Residents of Australia can trade CFDs issued by Interactive Brokers Australia PTY LTD. Residents of Japan can trade CFDs issued by IB Securities Japan (IBSJ). Singapore residents can trade CFDs except those based on underlyings traded in Singapore.

Country/Region Market Center Details Products Hours

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
9:00 - 17:30 CET

Czech Republic
IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
9:00 - 16:20 CEST

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
9:00 - 17:00 CET

European Union
IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index)
9:00 - 22:00 CET

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
10:00 - 18:30 EEST

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Share)
Share: 9:00 - 17:30 CET
Index: 9:00 - 22:00 CET

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Share)
Share: 9:00 - 17:30 CET
Index: 9:00 - 22:00 CET

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Share)
Share: 9:00 - 17:30 CET
Index: 9:00 - 22:00 CET

IBCFD Contracts For Difference
9:00 16:30 CET

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
Share: 9:00 - 17:30 CET

Russian Federation
IBCFD Contracts For Difference (non-marginable, Share)
Share: 9:30 - 19:00 MSK

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Share)
Share: 9:00 - 17:30 CET
Index: 9:00 - 20:00 CET

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
9:00 - 17:30 CET

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share, Equity Index)
Share: 9:00 - 17:30 CET
Index: 9:00 - 22:00 CET

United Kingdom
IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Precious Metals Index, Share)
Monday - Friday: 8:00-21:00

On some exchanges, different products have different trading hours.

** Legal residents of the US, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Israel are prohibited from trading IB UK-issued CFDs. Residents of Australia can trade CFDs issued by Interactive Brokers Australia PTY LTD. Residents of Japan can trade CFDs issued by IB Securities Japan (IBSJ). Singapore residents can trade CFDs except those based on underlyings traded in Singapore.

Country/Region Market Center Details Products Hours

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Share)
10:10 - 16:00 Sydney Time

Hong Kong
IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Equity Index, Share)
9:30 - 12:00 HKT
13:00 - 16:00 HKT

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share, Equity Index)
9:00 - 15:00 JST

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
9:00 - 17:00 SGT

On some exchanges, different products have different trading hours.

** Legal residents of the US, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Israel are prohibited from trading IB UK-issued CFDs. Residents of Australia can trade CFDs issued by Interactive Brokers Australia PTY LTD. Residents of Japan can trade CFDs issued by IB Securities Japan (IBSJ). Singapore residents can trade CFDs except those based on underlyings traded in Singapore.

Country/Region Market Center Details Products Hours

South Africa
IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
9:00 - 17:15 SAST

On some exchanges, different products have different trading hours.

South America
Country/Region Market Center Details Products Hours

IBCFD Contracts For Difference (Share)
10:00 - 17:00 BRT

On some exchanges, different products have different trading hours.

Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est membre de l' Organisme canadien de réglementation des investissements (OCRI) et du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants (FCPE). Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI. Le trading de titres et dérivés peut impliquer un haut degré de risque et les investisseurs doivent accepter le risque de perdre la totalité de leurs investissements et davantage. Utiliser de l'argent emprunté pour financer l'achat des titres implique un plus grand risque que l'utilisation de ressources cash uniquement. Si vous empruntez de l'argent pour acheter des titres, votre responsabilité pour rembourser le prêt et payer des intérêts comme exigé par ses conditions, reste la même, même si la valeur des titres achetés baisse. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. est un prestataire de services d'exécution et ne fournit aucun conseils en investissement ou recommandations concernant l'achat ou la vente de titres ou dérivés. Notre siège est situé à 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montréal, Québec, H3A 3J6, Canada.

Renseignez-vous sur votre conseiller : consultez le Rapport info-conseiller de l'OCRI.